People who go on those fancy foodie trips to Europe always come home and annoy the heck out of all of us saying stuff like “Well when I was in Italy…”, or ” that’s not how they do it in Paris”.
Man, I envy those jerks.
If you’re covetous of those trips like I am, you’re in luck this winter! Edmonton Journal food writer Liane Faulder is hosting a jealousy inducing trip to Spain, where you will be wined, dined, and entertained by local experts. You’ll be taking a winery tour, participating in a cooking class, and doing a whole bunch of historical sightseeing for sure, but the best part is you’ll be hanging out with Liane and being treated like a V.I.P. for 9 days! You can’t put a price on that. Well at least I can’t, but if you contact Liane she’d be happy to put a price on it for you.
Check out the details including the itinerary on the facebook page here.